世界奇葩标语大汇集It’s easy for things to get lost in translation when one travels to a far off land, but it appears it’s not just tourists who are having difficulty with language.当一个人到一个很远的地方旅游时,一些东西很容易因为翻译而让人不知所以,但是,好像不只是游客们在语言表达上有困难。
These holiday snaps show some of the hilarious typos, images or hotel names that tourists have encountered on signs around the world.这些渡假照片展示了游客们在世界各地的标牌上看到的一些搞笑的打字错误、图片或者是旅馆的名字等等。
The most amusing gaffes seem to revolve around toilets, and although it may seem like a no-brainer signs have asked visitors not to defecate on the floor or stand on the seats while urinating.最好笑的错误好像都是跟厕所有关的,尽管是显而易见的,但指示牌上写着让游客们不要在地上拉粑粑或者不要站在马桶上嘘嘘。
The collection was curated by Stockholm-based travel journalist and author Doug Lanksy, whose website,, receives as many as 100 submissions a week from people who’ve spotted amusing signs while on holiday.这一照片集被斯德哥尔摩旅游记者兼作者道格·兰吉斯收藏着,他自己办的Signspotting.com标牌语发现网站,一个礼拜就能收到100多张照片,这些照片都是人们渡假时发现的一些滑稽标牌语。
Doug has included some of them in his latest Signspotting calendar.道格还将其中的一些照片收入到自己最新的标牌语发现日志中。
He launched the website more than 15 years ago after family and friends took an interest in the photos he had snapped during his travels.He said: ‘I finished university in 1992 and set out to travel around the world. I saw some funny signs and took pictures of them, but nothing that memorable.家里人和朋友们都对他旅游拍的照片很感兴趣,于是道格就在15年前创办了这个网站。道格说:“1992年大学毕业后我就开始环游世界,看到有趣的标语就会拍下来,但都没有很令人值得记忆的。”
‘When I was showing photos from my trip to family and friends, I noticed they were more interested in the handful of funny sign photos and the snapshots of elephants, architectural wonders, or me standing in front of famous things.“当我给家人和朋友们看我旅途中拍的照片时,我注意到他们都对一些有趣的标牌语以及大象、伟大的建筑奇迹或是我自己站在著名景点前的快照更加感兴趣。”
'So when I got a job as a travel journalist and hit the road again, I started keeping an eye out for signs and snapping photos. Then I met some people who also had personal collections.'“所以当我找到工作,成为一名旅游记者并重新上路的时候,就开始注意一些标语并把它们拍下来。后来我还碰到了一些也拍了不少标志牌的人。”
He set up the website in 1999 and asked travellers to submit their own photos, and published his first book in 2005 after being encouraged by Lonely Planet founder Tony Wheeler.道格在1999年建立的这个网站,向驴友们征集他们的照片,并在《 孤独的星球》创始人托尼·惠勒的鼓励下于2005年出版了自己的第一本书。
Doug's passion for signs has since sparked an amazing reaction around the world with submissions coming in at a steady pace for the past 10 years.自那以后,道格对标牌语的热情引起了全世界的共鸣,在过去的十年中都一直有人发照片过来。
He said: 'You just have to be in the right place at the right time and be alert. It's more like the signs find you.' 'They're funny for a variety of reasons. Some are just foreign languages that look funny to us, like “Infart” in Swedish, which is like an “entry” sign for cars to drive into a parking garage.'道格说:“你只要在对的地点、对的时间并且要时刻注意,更像是这些标语来找你一样。”“这些标语非常有趣。一些只是因为是外语,我们看起来很好笑而已,如瑞典语的‘infart’,其实是车子开进车库的标语‘entry’。”(小编注:fart在英语中是“放屁”之意,而entry是“入口”的意思。)
'Some are written by fellow English speakers but they totally missed the double entendre or placed the sign next to something that created such a situation like a McDonald’s sign next to a “Dog Food” sign and they both have the same font.'“一些是英语母语的人写的标语,但他们完全没注意语义双关或者把一些标语放在一些东西的旁边,比如把麦当劳的标语放在一个‘狗粮’标语的旁边这种情况。”
'Or maybe it's a creatively weird stick figure sign. Or it's a warning for something painfully obvious, like “beware of door”. And that's just the beginning.'“或者可能只是一个有创意的古怪简笔画标语。或者只是对一些再简单不过的事情的一个警告,如‘小心门’。而那只不过是开始而已。”★