为进一步增强青少年环境保护意识,提高青少年可持续发展认识,深入推进生态文明建设,国家环保部宣教中心于近期举办“2016年中学生环保英语征文比赛”活动,活动主题为“一带一路:是可持续发展的机遇,还是对环境的挑战” (“ ONE BELT ONE ROAD ” DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE: Challenges to Environment or Opportunities for Sustainable Development )。本次比赛将在全国范围内评选出中学生环保英语征文优秀作品共15篇,其中一等奖1名,二等奖4名,三等奖10名。一、二等奖获奖者将被推荐参加2016年2月下旬在香港举办的“第十六届狮子会国际青年交流征文比赛”决赛,在港差旅费用由主办单位负担。为做好大赛作品的征集工作,全面展示我市高中生的环境素养和英语水平,东莞市环保局现向全市高中生征集优秀环保征文,并甄选出有实力的作品推送参加全国比赛,欢迎有兴趣的高中生踊跃参加。征文截止日期:2015年12月23日。字数:每篇800-1000字(中英文)。文章要求紧扣主题,体裁不限。投稿邮箱:449068869@qq.com(邮件名统一以环保征文+姓名+学校的格式发送)。联系人:刘老师,咨询电话:23391338。
(1) The One Belt One Road developmentinitiative of Mainland China has brought focus
on the connectivity and cooperation among countries primarily inEuro Asia. It will also create many cross border economic zones. MainlandChina, playing a vital role in this, will open up many opportunities andprosperities in cooperation with other countries in areas such as trading,building infrastructures, industries, energy,transport logistics, technologyand tourism etc.
(2)To take on board the blueprint ofsustainable development throughout the 21st Century and further, how would Mainland China embrace this initiative by supporting it with green trading,clean technology, low carbon action, upfront environmental protection policies, standards and regulations, green service, green banking and environmentalconsultancy service riding on the past development experience and lessonslearned? How would Hong Kong, with the past experience in environmentalprotection and sustainable development share the benefit or contribute to theinitiative?