方舟 发表于 2015-5-28 10:41:06


http://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz/Vicrdiam7ichJqrzHWBaq7Dwk6TIsicOQyXLdDwI7HBsqnTnGPYZYVIaA5qYjsk1Yz8N3DjVvGPB0DPszIE9dpVbnA/640?wx_fmt=jpeg&tp=webp&wxfrom=5The entries for the 2015 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest are in, and the photographs are as stunning as ever. The annual contest asks photographers from all around world to submit photos in fourcategory: Travel portraits, outdoor scenes, sense of place, and spontaneous moments.2015美国国家地理杂志旅行摄影大赛的参赛作品已呈上,这些照片简直美的摄人心魄。这一年度竞赛要求全球摄影师们提交四类照片:旅行人物,户外风景,场景感觉,精彩一瞬。
Scroll below to see some of the most beautiful photographs submitted to the contest so far:让我们先来一睹为快,先浏览下已经递交的部分最美参赛作品

1. Lighting Up The Night星星点缀的夜空

"I was out in the Arches National Park to take night pictures, but the clouds moved in. I waited for about two hours in the car and finally the sky cleared and I got this image."“我来到犹他州拱门国家公园拍摄夜景,但是云朵挡住了天空。我在车里等了2个小时,后来云散了,我拍到了这张照片。”

2. Ocean World海洋世界http://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz/Vicrdiam7ichJqrzHWBaq7Dwk6TIsicOQyXLPnRHIX6Vic17SlZib2qaicSIWyghYPiccViaN3urofyEKLsA9g7SEPBtvmg/0?wx_fmt=jpeg
" of a surfer in the famous beach of Praia Mole located in Florianopolis, Brazil. This image has been made with the help of a drone."“【鸟瞰】一名冲浪者在著名的巴西弗洛里亚诺波利斯沙滩冲浪,这张照片由无人机拍摄。”3. Frozen In Time冰冻时刻

"Ice cave at the Vatnajokull glacier in Iceland."“冰岛瓦特纳冰川的冰穴。”

4. JalMahal During Sunrise水宫日出
"Beautiful view of JalMahal during sunrise. I wanted to capture the palace and other two water structures also in the frame. Thats why I have used an ultra wide angle lens to capture this frame. Not many tourists visit the place at dawn, so the location is bit peaceful early in the morning. And locals visit the lake in the morning and feed the pigeons and fish in pond. These pigeons keeps flying across the lake once in a while, which I used to fill my frame."“(照片拍摄的是)水宫日出时的美丽景象。我想要同时拍到宫殿和另外两幢水中建筑,所以我使用了超广角镜头。很少有人在黎明时来这里参观,所以在早晨水宫看起来一片安宁祥和,当地人在早晨会来喂食鸽子和池塘中的鱼。鸽子们一齐飞过湖面,填满了我的镜头。”

5. Colors Of Earth泥土的色彩
"People in Dharavislum in Mumbai work hard. The posture of these two women at the local pottery store, taking a short break for conversation, dignity, while the colors of their saris perfectly blend with the scenery."“孟买达拉维贫民窟的人们工作非常努力。照片中,两个妇女站在陶器店门口稍事休息,正在聊天。她们的姿势表现出了自尊和自重。同时,她们穿的莎丽服的颜色和当时的景色很相配。”
6. Camping On The Diving Board
http://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz/Vicrdiam7ichJqrzHWBaq7Dwk6TIsicOQyXL9M0K98twbN4zhKwtwqa2KBtraUsHEmVQtllbnUUqXoiakXLDWC5vwrg/0?wx_fmt=jpeg"As technology shrinks the world around us, it becomes more and more difficult to find ourselves truly lost in the outdoors. This makes those particular moments and scenes that much more special. Getting to the Diving Board was quite a challenge, as there is no official trail. For anybody who is prepared, careful, and respectful of nature, the reward is one of the most breathtaking views in all of Yosemite, in my opinion."“随着科技的发展,世界正变得越来越小,而想找到真正的野外也变得越来越难,这让这些独有的时刻和景象变得更加特别。攀上崖壁是一项不小的挑战,因为并没有什么开辟出的通路。在我看来,优山美地的这一景象美的让人窒息,这无疑是给予那些已经准备好想要和自然有一个亲密接触的人的奖励。”7. When Conditions Are Right http://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz/Vicrdiam7ichJqrzHWBaq7Dwk6TIsicOQyXLsNavmUiczIsmzoOsDlvNn9KwBezAB63EzfgHNa7uxNBfSbmSWF7vIZQ/0?wx_fmt=jpeg"Giant waves converge and jump together along the Na Pali coast of Kauai. An early season northwest swell and the position of the autumn sun made this shot possible, but what really makes it special to me is the bird flying in the corner of the frame. This little moment of life adds balance to the image and reminds me that the mundane often the spectacular."

“在夏威夷可爱岛的那帕里海岸,巨浪翻滚。在西北岸潮涌刚刚开始的季节,加上秋日的阳光造就了这一美景。但是真正让我觉得特别的是,一只鸟儿从镜头前飞过,在画面的一角。这一生命的小小瞬间让图片看起来更加和谐,也让我想起:平凡成就卓越。”8. Tribal Makeup Artist
http://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz/Vicrdiam7ichJqrzHWBaq7Dwk6TIsicOQyXLVZT2ybOPz3q7eSea2a4ic9chk8nr81Fdyz6kb65N1c3vMAsmS4UPIzQ/0?wx_fmt=jpeg "Taken at a Karo Village in the Omo Valley of Ethiopia. The Karo are famous for their body-paint culture and skill. Away from the crowded village square, I found this 'makeup artist' focused on applying makeup on a young woman. Using a Q-tip as a brush he used a Georges Seurat-like pointillism technique! The calm, focused look of the artist is contrasted by the nervous, perspiring client -- perhaps unsure about the results (or my camera)."“拍摄于埃塞俄比亚奥莫河谷卡罗村。卡罗人因其人体彩绘文化技艺闻名。在远离拥挤村庄广场的地方,我发现了这个正在专心给一个年轻女孩上妆的化妆师。她用一个棉花棒当做刷子并使用了像乔治·修拉一样的点状修饰法哦!化妆师冷静专注的表情对比紧张出汗的女孩,也许她是因为不确定结果会是什么样(也或许因为我的照相机)。”
9. Last Light on Godafoss, Iceland
上帝瀑布的最后一道光,冰岛http://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz/Vicrdiam7ichJqrzHWBaq7Dwk6TIsicOQyXLHl8EHSdg1RWHDDH8jUicLcbQxRrULYiaUvPH5t29ibxVSp8Ttic3icrecfg/0?wx_fmt=jpeg"I had a tripod set up on Godafoss waterfall in Iceland last month. I used a 10 stop ND filter to capture the movement of the water as the sun set in the distance."
“上个月,我在上帝瀑布边架起了三脚架,并使用了10连拍滤镜来抓拍夕阳西下时的瀑布。”10. White Rhinos
http://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz/Vicrdiam7ichJqrzHWBaq7Dwk6TIsicOQyXLLsvq7QUFoL6rec60J4Mc0kC38cNB6SialsrVFBLgYBN12EutSg7m62A/0?wx_fmt=jpeg "The night before this photo, we tried all day to get a good photo of the endangered white rhino.Skulking through the grass, carefully trying to stay 30 feet away to be safe, didn't provide me the photo I was hoping for. In the morning, however, I woke up to all three rhinos grazing in front of me."“在拍到这张照片的前一个晚上,我们花了一整天时间想要在危险的白犀牛群中拍到一张好照片。我们偷偷摸摸地穿过草地,小心翼翼地试图呆在30英尺以外的安全地带,但是没有拍到我想要的照片。第二天早上,当我醒来却看到3只白犀牛在我面前吃草,于是拍下了这张照片。”

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