Minorities Kitchen is a concept restaurant will open in New York as a modern fusion cuisine restaurant hidden within Williamburg Brooklyn. Cultural influence of Chinese Han culture and other 55 ethnic groups. Minorities Kitchen’s menu authentically uplifts its inspirations while offering guests the additional delight of family-style dining – food comes continuously throughout the meal and is placed at the center of table for all to share.With every new dishes, diners to the ideal market stall in Guangxi or Sichuan. Minorities Kitchen是一个概念餐厅,作为一个现代的融合菜肴餐馆将开在纽约布鲁克林。餐馆菜肴的真正起源受到中国汉文化和其他55个少数民族的影响。在提供家庭式餐饮的同时让客人体验到中国民族文化的影响力。