费雷拉足球俱乐部是一间位于葡萄牙费雷拉市的足球俱乐部,他们曾三次赢得葡萄牙足球甲组联赛冠军,最近的一次是在2004/05球季。而费雷拉现在正兴建一个有25,000个座位的球场。费雷拉的主场位于葡萄牙北部的费雷拉市,球的赞助商是Capital do Móvel,而球衣的颜色则为黄色和绿色。 Proposal for Rebranding Futebol Clube de Paços de Ferreira.
Based on an emblem with more than half a century of history in the national sport, respecting the memory and remarkable achievements of the Club, we propose a new image prepared for a future that is being built since 1950.