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[标识VI] 关于征集南京医科大学国际教育学院院徽的通知

发表于 2022-4-1 15:11:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式




The logo is the external visual expression of the SIE's school  philosophy, school characteristics, humanistic history and other internal spirits. It is the core element of the brand image, the basic project of the  cultural construction, and an important part of the spiritual civilization construction. In order to fully excavate and refine SIE's development concept and characteristics, stimulate the love of teachers, students and international alumni, and create a good image, we are now launching a solicitation for the logo design of the School of International Education of Nanjing Medical University. The specific notice is as follows:



Soliciting Content
英文:School of International Education,Nanjing Medical University

Subject:Logo of School of International Education, Nanjing Medical University
English:School of International Education, Nanjing Medical University


Soliciting Objects


All teachers and students of Nanjing Medical University, medical staff of affiliated hospitals, alumni in China and abroad, and people from all walks of life.



Design Requirements

1. 针对性:主题感强。构图主旨鲜明易于辨识,充分凸显学院发展理念,集中彰显学院特色文化,并与南京医科大学的办学特色和校园文化相融合。院徽是学院视觉识别系统(VI)的核心,要融入国际化视觉识别风格,能传达“双一流”高校国际化办学定位。

2. 价值性:表现力强。色彩明快和谐生动,富有美感和视觉冲击力,具有一定的人文艺术内涵。有较高的前瞻性和较好的衍生开发特质,后期能结合VR、AR、MR等前沿技术,具备一定的实用价值。

3. 适用性:应用性强。Logo应具有实用性,便于印刷和运用各种工艺生产制作于各类宣传载体。设计者应提供Logo的应用效果展示,如网站、公众号、形象墙、文件、信笺、画册、文化衫等。

4. 原创性:创新性强。Logo须为设计者原创,创意新颖、独特,具有自主知识产权,符合国家法律法规。

5. 专业性:规范性强。Logo需呈现彩色效果,图案面积不小于5cm x5cm,提供矢量JPG两种格式,分辨率600*600dpi以上。设计者需附有设计理念说明或内涵注释,阐述方案的设计思路和具体含义等(500字以内)。

1. Targeted: A strong sense of theme. The composition is distinctive and easy to recognize, fully highlights the development concept of SIE, focuses on the characteristic culture, and integrates with the school-running characteristics and campus culture of Nanjing Medical University. The logo is the core of the SIE's visual identity system (VI) , which should be integrated into the international visual identity style and can convey the international orientation of the "first-rate universities and disciplines".

2. Value: Strong expressiveness. The colors should be bright, harmonious and vivid, full of beauty and visual impact, and have a certain humanistic and artistic connotation. It has higher forward-looking and better derivative development characteristics. It can be combined with VR, AR, MR and other cutting-edge technologies in the later stage, and has certain practical value.

3. Applicability: Strong applicability. Logo should be practical, easy to print and use various processes to produce in all kinds of publicity carriers. The designer should provide the application effect display of the Logo, such as website, Wechat official account, image wall, document, letterhead, picture album, cultural shirt, etc.

4. Originality: Innovative. Logo must be original by the designer, novel, unique, with independent intellectual property rights, in line with national laws and regulations.

5. Professionalism: Standardized. Logo should be in color, with an area of not less than 5cm x 5cm, in both vector and JPG format, with a resolution of 600*600dpi or more. Designers need to attach a design concept statement or connotation notes, elaborate the design ideas and specific meaning of the program, etc. (within 500 words).



Solicitation Method and Time

1. 以电子邮件形式投稿。设计者要将方案的电子版以附件形式发送至邮箱:gjb@njmu.edu.cn,除工程文件外,可以是word、pdf、ppt等文件格式。文件名为“设计者姓名+设计方案征集”,邮件主题为“南京医科大学国际教育学院院徽征集”。学院联系人:王家麟,咨询电话:025-86869116。

2. 投稿须署明个人信息。在邮件中要注明设计者姓名学号(如有)、工作单位(如有)、通信地址联系电话等信息。

3. 征集截止时间2022年4月30日。以最终收到方案邮件的时间为准,超出截止时间的不予参评。

1. Submit by email. The designer should send the electronic version of the design scheme as an attachment to the mailbox: gjb@njmu.edu.cn. The design scheme can be a project file or a file format such as word, pdf, ppt, etc. The file name should be "Designer Name + 设计方案征集", and the subject of the email should be "南京医科大学国际教育学院院徽征集 (SIE Emblem Solicitation)". School Contact: Wang Jialin. Tel: 025-86869116.

2. The submission must indicate personal information. The designer's name, student ID number (if any), work unit (if any), mailing address, contact number and other information should be indicated in the email.

3. The deadline for the solicitation is April 30, 2022. The submission time shall be subject to the time of final receipt of the design scheme email, and those who exceed the deadline will not be accepted for evaluation.



Selection Methods and Awards
1. 评选方式。学院将组成评审小组,按照公开、公平、公正的原则对应征方案进行评选。
2. 奖励方式。设一等奖1个,奖励3000元;二等奖2个,各奖励1000元,三等奖3个,各奖励500元。
1. Selection method. The school will form an evaluation team to select the application schemes in accordance with the principles of openness, fairness and impartiality.
2. Award method. There will be 1 first prize with an award of 3,000 yuan; 2 second prizes with an award of 1,000 yuan each, and 3 third prizes with an award of 500 yuan each.


Copyright Notice and Others
1. 应征方案必须为原创,此前未以任何形式发表。
2. 应征方案不得对他人的注册商标、外观设计专利和受知识产权法保护的其他文本等构成侵权,如涉及抄袭、借用等侵权行为均由设计者独立承担一切后果。
3. 所有入围方案的知识产权和使用权均归南京医科大学国际教育学院所有,学院有权对方案进行调整、修改,并根据需要进行使用。
4. 参加本次征集活动者被视为已充分理解并接受本通知各项条款的规定,来稿方案无论入选与否均不予退还,请自留底稿。
5. 本次征集活动的最终解释权归南京医科大学国际教育学院所有。

1. The application scheme must be original and not published in any form before.
2. The application scheme shall not infringe on other people's registered trademarks, design patents and other texts protected by intellectual property law. If it involves plagiarism, borrowing and other infringements, the designer shall bear all the consequences independently.
3. The intellectual property rights and use rights of all shortlisted schemes belong to the School of International Education, Nanjing Medical University, and the school has the right to adjust and modify the schemes and use them as needed.
4. Participants who participate in this solicitation are deemed to have fully understood and accepted the provisions of this notice. Submitted schemes will not be returned regardless of whether they are selected or not. Please keep your own manuscripts.
5. The final interpretation right of this solicitation activity belongs to the School of International Education, Nanjing Medical University.

Introduction to the School of International Education, Nanjing Medical University:

School of International Education
Nanjing Medical University
March 31, 2022

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