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[设计类合作] 26万元 2016大美凤阳•天工开物奖凤阳县国际雕塑设计大赛









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2016-10-10 12:31:06 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式



1、 凤凰主题城市雕塑,位于凤阳县高速出入口与中都大道交口。




主 办 单 位:中华文化促进会  凤阳县人民政府

协 办 单 位:中国雕塑家协会  河北省美术学院

承 办 单 位:安徽省雕塑协会  凤阳县规划建设局 凤阳县文广新局




3、雕塑小稿制作时间:2016年11 月 6日-- 12月30日,截止收稿时间:2016年12月30日17:00。




1、  请在大赛官网:雕塑家网www.chinadiaosu.cn和中国公共艺术研究 www.chinapublicart.org下载大赛相关资料。
2、  电子稿件投送至:E-maill:diaosujia@vip.163.com(邮件名称一律注明:凤阳县雕塑征稿+作者姓名+参赛方向。)(截至时间:2016年10月31日17:00前以电子邮件发出时间为准)。
3、  参展者在大赛期间请关注用手机扫扫中雕协的微信平台二维码

4、  以便能及时收到大赛组委会的入围及相关信息通知。本人2寸彩色免冠照片电子版(用于制作展览证)、身份证(正背面)扫描件一起发至组委会指定电子邮箱:diaosujia@vip.163.com,发送多件作品的作品图片要与作品说明对应明确、清晰;组装作品要有清楚明了的安装图(发送邮箱的所有电子版相关图片解析度应在300DPI以上)。登记表格填写务必清楚,不漏项,国外参展作者(华裔除外)原则上用英语填写。报送材料逾期将不被受理。


雕塑作品(小稿)邮寄地址:安徽省凤阳县新城区 凤阳县城乡规划建设局三楼创园办
收件人:赵之星  联系电话:18269896272 邮编:233100


3、参赛者的作品不能侵犯他人的合法权益,否则由参赛人承担相关责任,主办方将不承担任何。因参赛方的侵权行为所造成的名誉和经济损失。组委会有权取消其获奖资格并要求退回全额奖金等及获奖证书。大赛主办单位有权对大赛作品汇编的出版、发行以及公益使用等。 所有入选作品及部分优秀作品均编入此次活动画册。内容有展览介绍、学术文章、展览花絮、参展作品、作者简介以及作品说明等文字内容。 通过本次大赛最终获得项目设施的设计,业主有权进行商务性宣传。
4、 参赛者在参赛过程中发生的一切费用,均由应征者自行承担。

中华文化促进会  凤阳县人民政府



    https://pan.baidu.com/s/1dFyXbrV (凤阳县城中都大道景观绿化设计方案)

    https://pan.baidu.com/s/1qXGB0fE (凤阳花鼓)


  附件2 报名表.docx

附件下载链接: (或者联系QQ:540007840)


注:1、请仔细认真填写登记表,不得漏项。报名表分a、凤阳县主题雕塑 ;b、花鼓雕塑;c、城市公共设施(包括:照明路灯、景观墙、导视牌、城市家具等公共设施);三大板块,每一个板块需要填写一张表格。2、每件作品分别填报一张表格。

“Gorgeous Fengyang—Tiangong Kaiwu Award”: Fengyang County International Sculpture Design Contest 2016

As a part of Chuzhou City in China, Fengyang County, located on the south bank of the middle reaches of the Huaihe River, is celebrated as a national famous historical and cultural city. Abundant in tourist resources, Chuzhou City has six natural scenic areas, namely Jiushan Karst Cave, Chanku Temple, Woniu Lake, Dazhuang Scenic Area, Pingling Scenic Area and Avalokitesvara Nunnery. It is also reputed as “Hometown of Chinese Emperor”, “Hometown of Flower-Drum”, “Hometown of Reform” and “Hometown of Quartz”. Among all these cultural relics, Fengyang Flower-Drum and Fengyang Phoenix Painting are the most renowned cultural and artistic specialties of Fengyang County.

Fengyang is known as the hometown of ZHU Yuanzhang (1328~1398), founder of the Ming Dynasty. Out of love for his hometown, the Emperor called it “A Red Phoenix in Morning Sun”. The current name, Fengyang, was named after it. Phoenix Painting (or “Dragon and Phoenix Painting”), which can be traced back to the early Ming Dynasty, has a history of more than 600 years. After generations of explorations by folk artists, Phoenix painting has gradually been shaped into a folk art with unique style. In Phoenix Painting, the phoenix is characterized by “a snake head, a tortoise back, an eagle mouth, a pair of crane legs, a ruyi (an S-shaped ornamental object and a symbol of good luck) comb, nine tails and 18 wings”. The queen of the bird kingdom is quite popular among the public. Fengyang Flower-Drum is a germ of Chinese opera art of the Han people in Fengyang. Regarded as a “Special Skill” of Fengyang County, it has been listed among the first batch of national intangible cultural heritages. As a type of double-skinned Chinese hand drum, it is performed solely or collectively accompanied by singing and dancing. The special performance form of Flower-Drum has won it the honor of “Oriental Ballet”.
In order to carry forward the advanced socialist culture, promote the urban economic and social development and shape city characteristics, in response to urgency of landscape construction projects along Zhongdu Avenue of Fengyang County, and in accordance with the principle of pooling wisdoms from the people and sharing among all the people, we now start the solicitation of designs themed on Fengyang’s art and culture. These designs should be presented in the form of sculptures, integrating Fengyang’s cultural and artistic characteristics and contemporary spirit into landmarks to promote Fengyang’s influence and glamour. Below is a detailed introduction of the contest:

I. Design requirements

“Gorgeous Fengyang—Tiangong Kaiwu Award”: Fengyang County International Sculpture Design Contest 2016 (The Tenth “Tiangong Kaiwu Award”) is open to the following three series of designs:

1)   Phoenix series: These sculptures are planned to be placed in the intersection between the expressway entrance and exit, and Zhongdu Avenue in Fengyang County;
2)   Flower-Drum series: These sculptures are planned to be placed in the green belt of Zhongdu Avenue in Fengyang County;
3)   Urban public facilities series (Including street walls, feature walls, signposts, city furniture and other public facilities)

Please refer to “Attachment I: Garden Design Plan in Zhongdu Avenue of Fengyang County and Flower-Drum Photos” for the specific position and number of sculpture designs and for the design intentions as well.  

II. Award setting


Number of winners


Subtotal (RMB)



Gold medal



Before tax


Silver medal




Before tax


Bronze medal




Before tax


Finalist award





All medalists and finalists can get a certificate of honor issued by the sponsor. The jury consists of prestigious professors from colleges and universities. In accordance with the principle of objectivity, fairness and justness, the contest results along with the jury’s name-list will be announced.

III. Organization institutions of the contest

Sponsor: Chinese Culture Promotion Society and Fengyang County People’s Government

Organizer: China Sculptors’ Association and Hebei Academy of Fine Arts

Co-organizer: Anhui Provincial Sculptors’ Association, Fengyang County Planning and Construction Bureau and Fengyang County Culture, Radio, TV, News and Publishing Bureau

Jury: Experts, famous professors and art committees made up famous scholars judge all works in accordance with the principle of objectivity, fairness and justness.

IV. Contestants

This contest is open to students majoring in sculpture art, environment art and public art, or professional institutions, professionals (units, individually or collectively) or engaged in sculpture creations, or teachers and students from colleges of fine arts or sculpture art, or art enthusiasts all over the world. There are no limits of nationality, races, ages and genders.

V. Contest schedule
1) Collect designs from September 20, 2016~Ocotber 31, 2016. The email sending date of the electronic version of your design drawing prevails. Please send the sculpture sample entering the final through logistics services to Innovation Park Office, 3F, Fengyang County Urban and Rural Planning and Construction Bureau. The date the sample is received prevails.
2) Judge all designs preliminary on November 2, 2016, announce the preliminary judgment results on the official website and the WeChat public account on November 4, and notify finalists to make sculpture samples.
3) Collect sculpture samples of finalists from November 6, 2016 to December 30, 2016. The deadline is 17:00 o’clock of December 30, 2016.
4) Final judgment is on January 8, 2017. On January 9, 2017, the list of winners will be announced.

VI. Design requirements and principles

1. The “Phoenix Series” is suggested to be 36.8m in height. The “Flower-Drum Series” can be decided according to the public environment. All designs should have a correct positioning of Fengyang County’s historical and cultural background, resource characteristics and development direction. Sculpture designs should be original, typical of characteristics of Fengyang County, strong in visual impact as landmarks, and in line with the required themes. Besides, they should not lack beauty in form and profoundness in cultural connotation.
2. Sculpture designs should adhere to the general principle of “quality coming first, novel in content, beautiful in art form, consistent and coordinated with the overall public environment of Fengyang County”. It is hoped that contestants can make new breakthroughs in terms of applications of metal and glass materials while sticking to the following principles:
1) Highlight cultural characteristics of Fengyang County: The sculpture designed should be able to be a landmark of Fengyang County, reflecting characteristics of its people and cultural background;
2) The principle of artistry: The sculpture designed should accommodate to the visual effect in every perspective; emphasize the outer contour line, shade effects and identifiability of the whole color lump; and adopt modernized design methods to express its profound connotation concisely and elegantly;
3) The principle of innovativeness: Contestants are expected to comprehensively use various materials and new techniques. All designs should be original. In other words, these designs have never been constructed or presented in outdoor space, and designers hold the full intellectual property of these designs. In terms of material selection, corrosion-resistant materials (such as stone materials, forge copper, cast copper, stainless steel and glass materials) are recommended considering the local climate and environmental factors. All designs submitted should be practicable, safe and firm;
4) The principle of unity: The sculpture design should be consistent with Fengyang’s natural landscape, cultural landscape and city construction in terms of its mass, texture and color so as to achieve a perfect unity between the sculpture design and the surrounding environment;
5) In terms of landscape sculpture designs (such as street lamps, feature walls, signposts, city furniture and other public facilities) placed on the 4.7km landscape avenue between the sculpture square themed on “Phoenix” and the urban area should emphasize inheritance of history and diversity of expression methods as well as unity of the overall art style.
The design scope covers: a. The themed sculpture of Fengyang; b. The “Flower-Drum” sculpture of Fengyang; c. Public facilities, including lamps, feature walls, signposts, city furniture, etc. The design style should reflect regional culture. The specific dimension is decided by contestants based on the public environment. Please download the site environment and dimensions from Attachment I.

3. Design outcomes consist of four parts, namely the registration form, the design description, the electronic document of the design drawing, and the sculpture sample. In terms of the registration form, it is divided into three design series, namely a. The themed sculpture of Fengyang; b. The “Flower-Drum” sculpture of Fengyang; c. Public facilities (including street lamps, feature walls, signposts, city furniture, etc.) There is a form to fill under every design series. In the registration form, contestants should clarify the title, design concepts, design thinking, mass, materials, technical indexes, suggestions for construction steps, engineering investment estimation and requirements of environmental conditions. In terms of the design drawing (electronic version) should include the plane graph, the vertical view and the multidimensional design sketch (including the bird’s eye view) as well as other drawings helping illustrate design intentions. Contestants should back up the electronic document on their own. The design description should be presented in the doc. format document. The image DPi of the electronic version should be no lower than 300Dpi. The date the electronic version for the preliminary round is sent through email prevails; while the date the design for the final round is received in the mailbox of the organizing committee prevails.

4. Contestants can participate in the three design series at the same time. The design plans under every design series are not limited.

VII. Submission methods

The electronic version for the preliminary round should be sent to the email and the sculpture samples for the final round should be sent to the mailing address.
1. Please download contest-related materials from the official website of China Sculptors’ Association (www.chinadiaosu.cn) or the official website of China Public Art Research (www.chinapublicart.org).
2. Please send the electronic version to diaosujia@vip.163.com.(Name your email in the format of “Fengyang County Sculpture Contest Design Submission”+“Designer’s Name” + “Design Series”.) The deadline is 17:00 o’clock of October 31, 2016. The email sending date of the electronic version prevails.
3. Please subscribe for the QR code of the WeChat account of China Sculptors’ Association to get the latest news of the contest and see whether you have entered the final round. Please send the electronic version of a 2-inch color bareheaded photo (for the convenience of making the certificate for exhibition participants) and the scanned copies of the ID card (back and front) together to the designated email (diaosujia@vip.163.com) of the organization committee. If contestants send more than one design, please match every design with the corresponding description correctly. Designs to be assembled should provide a clear installation drawing. (The electronic image DPi sent to the email should be no lower than 300DPi). The registration form should be clearly filled in without omitting any details. Foreign contestants (excluding overseas Chinese) can fill in the registration form in English in principle. Any designs submitted after the deadline will not be handled.

For the sake of fairness, please don’t mark your name, unit or any information which might disclose your identity on the front of the electronic version. Besides, you should guarantee the authenticity and feasibility of your designs.
If designs submitted by you are not in line with our design scope and requirements, your qualification to participate in the exhibition will be cancelled. All the electronic documents and other relevant materials will be kept by the organizing committee. Please keep backups because all these documents sent out will be sent back to you.
OrganizingCommittee of “Gorgeous Fengyang—Tiangong Kaiwu Award”: Fengyang County International Sculpture Design Contest 2016
Location: Room 315, F Building, Wanda Plaza, Shijingshan District, Beijing
Mailingaddress for sculpture samples in the final round: Innovation Park Office, 3F, Fengyang County Urban and Rural Planning and Construction Bureau, Fengyang County New Urban Area, Anhui Province, PRC.
Recipient: ZHAO Xiaoxing (赵之星)
Mobile phone: + 086 18269896272
Zip code: 233100

VIII. Notices

1. The organizing committee will not return the electronic version and other relevant materials received from contestants. The sponsor holds the ownership of all designs of medalists, and the medalists enjoy the copyright of their designs. All contestants should provide the authentic personal information and design information, including the electronic version of the design drawing, the sculpture sample, the scanned copies of the designer’s ID card, the registration form, and other electronic documents;
2. The organizing committee is not liable for failure of contestants to send designs to the designated email or the damage of these designs not on the part of the organizing committee.
3. Contestants should not infringe on others’ legitimate rights and interests in the designs submitted; otherwise, contestants rather than the organizing committee should undertake all liabilities for doing so, including reputation and economic losses thus caused. The organizing committee will also cancel rewards for such contestants, and contestants should return rewards in full amount and the certificate of honor to the organizing committee. The sponsor has the right to publish contestants’ designs or use them for public good. Designs of all finalists and some excellent designs will be compiled into the album. The album includes introduction of the exhibition, academic papers, exhibition moments, exhibition works, brief introduction of creators and design description. Designers whose project designs are finally constructed have the right to publicize these for business purposes.

4. Contestants should pay for all fees incurred during the contest process.

5. The organizing committee will not pay any more contribution fees after giving medalists with rewards. Medalists have the responsibility and obligation to further improve their design based on requirements of the jury, and can participate in bidding for the project construction. If they fail, they still have the obligation to go to the construction site for artistic guidance and supervision so as to guarantee originality of their designs. They should visit the construction site for no less than three times. The organizer will not pay any fees for such guidance, but the construction unit will cover the transportation and accommodation fees thus incurred.
6. In order to guarantee quality and progress of the construction project, China Sculptors’ Association will organize a Project Construction Supervision Committee. All contestants are considered to agree with this statement and regulations of the contest. No written confirmation or confirmation of other forms is required. The design solicitation is in China. The sponsor reserves the final interpretation right of this contest.
Chinese Culture Promotion Society and Fengyang County People’s Government
September 20, 2016

Attachment I: Garden Design Plan in Zhongdu Avenue of Fengyang County and Flower-Drum Photos

Attachment II: Registration Form for “Gorgeous Fengyang—Tiangong Kaiwu Award”: Fengyang County International Sculpture Design Contest 2016

Attachment download link:  http://www.aocs.org.cn/portal.php?mod=view&aid=3372   (or contact by QQ: 540007840)

Notes: 1. Please carefully fill in the registration form without leaving any details. The registration form, it is divided into three design series, namely a. The themed sculpture of Fengyang; b. The “Flower-Drum” sculpture of Fengyang; c. Public facilities (including street lamps, feature walls, signposts, city furniture, etc.) There is a form to fill under every design series. 2. Please attach a registration form to every design submitted by you.


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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



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