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[散文故事] 纽约时报文书征集大赛启示









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发表于 2016-1-21 13:52:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


Maya Xia Ludtke

本文是来自Maya Xia Ludtke的投稿。她目前就读于韦斯利学院一年级,尚未决定专业,但倾向于选择环境研究。Maya生于江苏,在婴儿时期被从中国领养,在马萨诸塞州剑桥长大,2014年毕业于剑桥林吉与拉丁学校。

The first nine months of my life are a mystery.

A tiny jade bracelet and a photograph of an inexplicably circular face on top of a torn red sweater make up my memory album.  A few stapled pages of ambiguous papers constitute my birth record. I do know that I was found in Xia Xi, a farming town of flowers and trees. Though I was nervous about shattering the stable but fragile image I had created in my mind about those nine months, this past August I went to Xia Xi and began to crack through that tableau and experience what my life could have been.

There, I met the girls I could have grown up with, and with them visited the places where I would have spent each day. I was overwhelmed by simultaneous feelings of deep connection and unbridgeable distance.  As we struggled to narrow the chasms created by language and culture, I found familiarity in their faces and the trees enveloping us.

“So, what are you?” the girls asked me. “ You look Chinese on the outside but you are American on the inside.” At first, I detested this description. If the substance of my being is not Chinese, I might as well be white. Once content with describing myself as “Chinese American,” now I was hit with its vagueness. Where do I belong between being Chinese and becoming American? In some ways my new friends were right; our many fragmented conversations during the three weeks we were together affirmed the differences in how our minds had developed to perceive the world.

“You are so lucky, you have no discipline, easy school, and freedom,” the Xia Xi girls would say with certainty and envy. “All we get to do is study.”

I felt guilty about my “luck” and the truth in their words. Still, their idealistic views about America and the ease of my life perplexed me. They had quickly dismissed my out-of-school activities and community service as lacking real learning. Yet, soon I realized how their understanding of “smart” contrasts with mine. Being smart is the high ranking a teacher gives them; studying is their only way of getting there.  These tight borders command their childhood.

I permeated those borders as we talked about growing up, gender roles, equality, and relationships. No one before me had given them the space to talk about such topics.  As a girl born in Xia Xi and living in America, I was the most foreign person the girls had ever met.  They had never come in contact with anyone who looked different than they do. When I told them about the many friends I have who look different than I do, they were astonished. Being with them gave me deeper appreciation for the diversity that my life in America gives me.

For those I met in Xia Xi, family is blood and ancestry. “You do not know your real parents?” strangers would ask me soon after we met, sympathetic and eager to help me find mine. “When is your birthday? What orphanage were you from?” To me, their words “real mother” sit heavy in my mind. Even if I’d spoken their dialect fluently, I am not sure I could have explained. I have a real mother, who raised me and loves me. My biological family might not be whom I romanticized them to be and finding such strangers would not instantly conjure love. Instead, it was in the welcoming care that countless strangers showed me - in placing watermelon slices in both of my hands, pulling a comb through my hair, and attempting to cool me in 110-degree heat - that I found home in Xia Xi, and that was enough.

The Passion for Media Industry Makes Me Continue the Journey

Courtesy of Fan Yixin

By Yixin Fan  December 17, 2015

I always wanted to work in media industry and I have had multiple experiences both in China and America in the related field.
I am currently a senior student at University of Minnesota Duluth studying Communication with a minor in Journalism.

I was born and raised in China in a "media family" where many family members suggested me to stay away from media industry because of the intense working environment and people’s prejudice toward media professionals. My passion for the industry, however, kept me from listening to the advice.

High school year I joined the editorial team my school magazine. I was first working as the graphic designer and copyeditor, and later the chief editor. I helped the school publish three issues and generated contents for two more issues after demission.

Publication design and writing was my edge back in China. Throughout the years I lived there I received many awards, including a few provincial prizes and one national prize for a short story I wrote based on Sichuan Earthquake in May 2008.
After high school I chose English major at first at Shanxi University and then went to study abroad in U.S. in 2012 at University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD) for media related studies.

My foreign identity brought me inconvenience in many ways at first, and being unable to use English as efficiently as native English speakers made me feel like a former ballerina now spending life in a wheelchair. The feeling faded away quickly when I started to fit in. I started to publish news stories, and found out that my sensibility in culture and emotion helped me discover more stories while attending events, facing issues, and talking with others. My first published story Giant Panda home for Chinese Duluthians received the highest view count on Lake Voice News ran by Writing Department at UMD. Later I worked for Lake Voice News as a copyeditor during a summer.
初来乍到,我感受到自己的外籍身份带来的诸多不便,也为自己不能像本地人一样熟练地运用英语感到难过,好像从前的芭蕾舞者如今要在轮椅上度日。这样的感觉在我逐渐适应环境后便消失了。我开始发表新闻作品,并发觉自己在文化和情绪方面的敏感程度可以帮助我在面对不同活动、事件、和人物时挖掘出更多的故事。我发表的第一篇新闻故事《大熊猫中餐馆,德卢斯中国人的家》在当时的明尼苏达大学德卢斯校区写作系主管的Lake Voice News上获得了该网站创办以来的最高点击率。之后的夏天我在网站担任了文编。

Accomplishing a degree in communication and journalism was quite a challenging journey for an international student from which I have improved a lot; therefore I decided to continue this journey and attend graduate journalism school.

My goal is to strengthen my skills and find a job in media industry especially in publishing and international reporting. I want to keep learning new journalistic skills and techniques to help me stay fresh in the field, and hope to work for a media company in America or start my own magazine in China in future.

I organized my media related experiences and working samples in my personal website. Please free feel to check them out and hope to meet you at Medill next summer.


I Observe the World Through Science and Arts
By Tony Jin  December 16, 2015

The aircraft turbulence stops. As the plane moves above the grim clouds, a bright beam of sunlight slips through the window. Outside the window is a brand new world: the once suffocating sky has opened. The sun, nature’s omnipotent artist, reluctantly bids farewell, turning the azure into tangerine. Stormy clouds boil underneath, with the size of a boundless ocean and the fury of the Yellow River…

"Hey Tony, what are you doing?" My friend asks.
"The sky... it's like God’s masterpiece. How can it be so beautiful?" I mumble as my soul returns to reality.
"Come on. You’re already in high school. Leave the sky for kids to marvel at."

Embarrassed, I try to defend myself, but a voice of doubt stifles my words: What is the point of staring outside?

I have always been attracted to nature's beauty. It makes me think. I still remember my childhood hobby of looking at the night sky and the star lights that spent years, or even centuries, to arrive at our planet. Those same lights enabled me to travel through time and visualize my dream of being a scientist, artist and innovator:

As a luminescent star trail poured into my eyes, I found myself looking through the eyes of Galileo, awed by the infinite opportunities of the universe. Tracing the outline of a quartet of celestial lights, I saw Pachelbel sitting high, appreciating his greatest masterpiece --- Canon in D. Suddenly, a bright comet raced past, leading me into a small garage, where Steve Jobs changed the world by turning pure science into a real work of art.

Human history recorded in those ancient lights flashed before my eyes, unfolding, dissolving. It seemed to me that life was both transient and everlasting. Just as the lights of dead stars were still decorating the night sky above us, so the accomplishments of those ephemeral lives were still affecting the way we lived every day. As a child, I naively hoped that in the future, when people look up at the sky, they would also see my story as an innovator standing at the crossroad of science and arts. That is still my dream.

Nature gives me two eyes. Through one eye, I observe the world of science; through the other eye, I appreciate the world of arts. On seeing the perfect shape of snowflakes melting in my hand, I run home to search for the formation of snow crystals. Noticing the gradual change in the color of the dusk sky, I begin to delve deeper into the scattering of lights. The sun’s daily movements inspire me to think about the rise and fall of empires and lives. The tender light of the moon that has always guarded human civilization promotes my curiosity about our ancestors’ philosophies of human existence. Viewing nature through the lens of science and arts, I truly enjoy the beauty of this three-dimensional world.

The plane turns right and my eyes regain focus on the sky outside. Darkness falls. Clouds dissolve.
Below the overarching sky, the planet of human lives rotates, now illuminated by clusters of man-made sparks. In the distant horizon where nature and human civilization meet, the boundary between science and arts vanishes.
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