克诺尔三期凉亭征名活动现已进入投票环节! 12个优秀的名称作品通过初选 并将在投票环节进行角逐! Here we come to the Voting Phase of “KBSZIII Pavilion NameWanted Activity”! 12 great name workshave been preliminarily selected and will compete for being the best one invoting phase!
Here are the named works, you can vote for your most favorite name work by clicking “征名投票”on the customized menu of KBSZ Wechat.
参赛作品 Name Works:
至善亭 Pavilion of stopping at utmost excellence
1. KBSZ aims to achieve utmost excellence, we’ll produce reliable productthrough technological excellence, sense of responsibility, playing as a role ofentrepreneurship, by continuously pursuing of excellence, without stopping.
2. KBSZ’s braking systems will be stopped at utmost excellence, under any case,in a safe and desirable way, to serve billions of people around the world.
3. Same meaning as the Chinese name.
浩然亭 Endless – Inspiring
所谓浩然,就是浩然之气,刚正之气,就是人间正气,是大义大德造就一身正气。孟子认为,一个人有了浩气长存的精神力量,面对外界一切巨大的诱惑也好,威胁也好,都能处变不惊,镇定自若。也就是孟子曾经说过的富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈的高尚情操。这就是我们民族5000年历史的传统,孔孟之道. 也应证的是目前我们整个集团竞争如此激烈,我们都能像以上描述那样.
1. With endless inspiring all the people who are working in the KB with growingon the valve----- inspire us creation on passion, excellent technical,responsibility, reliability and entrepreneurship.
2. Calm and smile facing on all the pressures and challenges from extremelycompetitive market, Stand by KB code of conduct as the key point for everysuccess.
御风亭 Riding Wind Pavilion
“Yu” is drive, control, superior skill and perfect product.
“Feng” is speed, power, passionate and unruly.
KB has 100 years accumulation, it has already lead this industry and workfreely in this field; though KB is facing the challenge and difficult, we stillgrasped the nettle, turn it on and off at all, everything is under the control.
德悦亭 The Virtue and Joy Pavilion
Keeping German spirit and Chinese diligence;
Showing Suzhou refinement and multinational joyousness;
Learning know-how and innovations;
Developing KB value and our productions.
人和亭 Inner Peace Pavilion
1. 孟子曾说过:“天时不如地利、地利不如人和”,作为外资企业,我们遇到了太多客观环境的困扰和本地政策的阻碍。如果没有组织的上下一心、部门间的精诚合作、众志成城的发展决心,克诺尔苏州不会有今日的辉煌。
2. “和”象征兼容并包,文化共享。克诺尔苏州作为外资企业,有工作着世界各国的人才,大家共同工作共同成长;作为德资企业,克诺尔苏州也一直追求中国传统文化与德国严谨技术的完美融合。
3. 从字面上,“和”又有“加”的意思,而汉字中“人”加上“亭”则是一个“停”字。这恰恰与克诺尔的主要产品——“制动系统”产品所致力的平稳、安全的“停”不谋而合。
Peaceful internal cooperation makes peaceful braking.
1. "Opportunities vouchsafed by heaven are less important than terrestrialadvantages, which in turn are less important than the unity among people","和" means peacefuland people unity, KBSZ could not grow quickly and make great achievementswithout greatest employee unity in last 10 years.
2. "He" is one of the most important Chinese traditional vertue. As agermany company with high technology, KBSZ is also persuing the fusion ofChinese traditional vertue and germany excellent industrial technology.
勤业亭 Diligent and Dedicated
Control core technology, keep hard working under high challenge ,KB is stillgrowing.
No matter KB face the challenge of new technical ,or face turbulent and fullchanging market, control the Core technology is the main reason that he canstand in market and keep growing. We are still trying to our best,hardworking.love the position and be engaged in the job.It used to be and always isnow. KB will win the better future!
揽重阁 Leading Dream Pavilion
1. 揽万国重器,质量领先、追求卓越的克诺尔有信心也有能力承揽世界各国的大型轨道交通建设项目;
2. 谐音“揽众”,克诺尔揽行业精英,众志成城,书写辉煌篇章;
3. 谐音“览众”,出自杜甫《望岳》名句:会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。表达克诺尔人敢于进取,积极向上,充满激情的工作态度。
In English, it means, KB answers for a world of mobility and we strive torealize this industry leading dream.
1. KB who respects quality-leading and the pursuit of excellence has strongconfidence and adequate expertise for large rail transit projects around theworld;
2. KB gathers the excellent talents of railway industry and musters all resolveand resources to write brilliant chapters;
3. meaning comes from famous Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu in the "WangYue" in the line: “I will reach the summit and see the world is gettingsmaller ”. It illustrates KB employees’ attitude toward work: enterprising,positive and passionate.
苏慕亭 SuMu Pavilion
It is from close cooperation between Suzhou and Munich, the excellenttechnology of Suzhou come down in one continuous line with the Germanheadquarters. While celebrating the transfer of Munich R & D center toSuzhou, Suzhou R & D center building was established.
客碧亭 KebiPavilion
"客" sounds same as"克",it means customers, and can shows "Customer First"principle of KB.
"碧" sounds same as"璧" which meanscombination and fusion. KBSZ will step further with the advantage fusion ofChinese and Western definitely.
文亭 Winting
I’d like to name the pavilion as “Winting”. Its partial tones are “Win team”and “Waiting” . The “win team” has the coincidence with our idea to be thebenchmark and the “waiting” also means we can let the train used our brakesystem stop to wait for our passengers.
Her Chinese name is “文亭” and if you reverse to read the name, you will find thepronunciation as the same as “挺稳” which means it can be stabilized to stop.
合德亭 Hede Pavilion
“He” means fusion and cooperation, we share the technology and culture betweenChina and German.
“De” is the short title of German in Chinese, and also the right attitude andgood virtue which is our business guideline.
思诺亭 Si Nuo Pavilion
Thoughtful, committed. KBSZ employees have open-minded thinking, we believethere are always more solutions than problem. We share joys and sorrows, andcreate a brilliant future together.