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[品牌观察] 百威啤酒(Budweiser)启用扁平化新LOGO和新包装









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发表于 2016-2-14 12:30:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
百威啤酒(Budweiser)是安海斯·布希啤酒厂的主要啤酒品牌。在1876年起开始酿制,多少年以来,百威的制造商安海斯·布希公司一直奉行 “环境、健康与安全”的核心理念和始终如一的品质理念,这些理念理所当然地融入百威啤酒中。时至今日已成为美国人熟识的品牌。其瓶装啤酒的设计,自1876年至今转变不大。 早在2011年,百威推出了新的啤酒罐包装设计,同时,新包装采用了经过优化的“蝴蝶领结”logo。最近,百威又推出了全新的包装设计,不过最引人注目的是新包装将使用一个经过完全扁平化的品牌标识。这也是自百威啤酒1936年第一版logo诞生以来变化幅度最大的一次。据了解,此次品牌形象升级由设计事务所JKR设计,该设计机构也为2011年百威形象升级做了主要设计工作。 百威啤酒(Budweiser)扁平化新LOGO 带有新LOGO的百威啤酒产品已经在美国上市,目前国内市场暂时还没有更换新的LOGO,相信不久就可以看到啦。

JKR has created a new visual identity for beer brand Budweiser, as part of a global rebrand which aims to align the brand with quality.

Budweiser has retained the brand’s red bow-shaped icon, but this has been simplified, reducing the gold elements, and making the logo more two-dimensional.

“The bow tie is the symbol of the brand,” says Tosh Hall, creative director at JKR New York. “For 140 years, it’s been an iconic label. The first step was to clarify that.”

Typeface inspired by industrial lettering

A navy blue logo has also been incorporated for application on aluminium cans and bottles, replacing the red bowtie logo, and adding a silver emblem and script.

Two new bespoke typefaces were designed for the branding – Bud Bold and Bud Crafted, which aim to contrast between “confidence and quality”, says Hall.

Bud Bold was inspired by the industrial lettering of the original Budweiser brewery in 1860, says Hall, while Bud Crafted is a slab serif font, which aims to replicate the Budweiser wordmark of the 1960s.

Typefaces and symbols drawn by hand

For the logotype, the original script from 1860 was taken then redrawn “to make it feel timeless”, says Hall.

The design also includes 14 pieces of unique typography, and all typefaces and symbols were drawn by hand before being applied digitally.

“Budweiser as a beer is one of the hardest to brew,” says Hall. “It takes roughly 30 days. We wanted to apply the same effort to design principles as to brewing. So we spent twice as long, drawing every piece of type and vector art by hand, such as the medallion, leaves, grains and hops. We put effort into caring about every last detail.”

Unified worldwide look

He adds that the project aims to “unite” the packaging worldwide, by implementing the same bowtie symbol internationally.

The project took roughly two years to complete after JKR was invited to do the work following a successful pitch. The consultancy also completed Budweiser’s previous rebrand in 2011.

The previous Budweiser logo

The new Budweiser logo


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