We look at the black and yellow pencil winners from the design categories at this year’s Design and Art Direction awards. Now in its 55th year, the Design and Art Direction (D&AD) Professional Awards took place last night (27 April) in London, with five of the highest award black pencils being handed out, and more than 700 pencils awarded in total. The winners of the D&AD Awards were announced at a ceremony in London last night, with judges giving out five black pencils,62 yellow, 180 graphite and 485 wood. 以下是今年平面设计单元获奖作品 Moving Image (Graphic Design) ▼ 项目:Fashion Business School(石墨铅笔) 项目:1966 World Cup Final(木铅笔) 项目:Made in a Minute(木铅笔) 项目:STONE MILK(木铅笔) Point of Sale ▼ 项目:IKEA:Cook This Page(木铅笔) Posters ▼ 项目:The Study of Human Being(石墨铅笔) 项目:I AM A WOMAN(木铅笔) 项目:Life is Electric(木铅笔) 项目:Philips LED Storm - Cycle(木铅笔) 项目:Staatstheater Mainz Premiere Posters(木铅笔) 项目:Steppenwolf Series I(木铅笔) 项目:Straightline Poster(木铅笔) 项目:The Refugee Collection(木铅笔) 项目:“Mist-ery Train Sea Train(木铅笔) Stamps ▼ 项目:Animail Stamps(石墨铅笔) 项目:Agatha Christie Stamps(木铅笔) 项目:Great Fire of London(木铅笔) Stationery 项目:Rubbish Famzine The Identity Issue(石墨铅笔) 项目:TO:A New Kind of Support(石墨铅笔) 项目:Karoline Trier(木铅笔) Wayfinding & Environmental Graphics ▼ 项目:Zaans Medical Centre(黄铅笔) 项目:Kindergarten Marktstrasse Signaletik(石墨铅笔) 项目:Sntralen Wayfinding(木铅笔) 项目:Tate Modern(木铅笔)