近日,美国平面设计师协会公布了 2016 年的 50 本年度最佳书籍和书籍封面设计。作品征集从去年下半年开始,共收到来自全世界23个国家的出版商和书籍设计师提交的近700本书籍设计作品。 “50本书/50张封面竞赛”是美国平面设计师协会从1941年开始资助的一项竞赛,旨在通过评委会评选出年度的50 个最佳图书封面。赛事的评委会包括图书的销售商、出版商以及设计师。 今天小编将推送本次竞赛的书籍设计作品 Anri Sala O Momento Presente (The Present Moment) Avedon’s France Old World, New Look BOLD Alternative Scenarios for Chicago By the People Designing a Better America Elephant Child Everywhen The Eternal Present in Indigenous Art from Australia Explorations in Typography (2nd edition) House is a House is a House is a House is a House Architectures and Collaborations of Johnston Marklee Ifigênia – Diário de uma jovem que escreveu porque estava entediada Il Fondaco dei Tedeschi, Venezia, OMA. Il restauro e il riuso di un monumento veneziano (Fondaco dei Tedeschi, Venice, OMA. Renovation and Reuse of a Landmark Building) Koya Bound Mexico Essays on a Myth Penguin Orange Pulp A Short Biography of the Banished Book Raymond Pettibon Homo Americanus Tea Ceremony Manual The Pelican Shakespeare Theatre Under Construction. Travelogue