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[品牌观察] 瑞典Simris Alg公司启用新Logo和新包装









Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2015-5-11 19:18:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Simris Alg公司是由曾经就读于瑞典皇家理工学院和隆德大学的两个学生Fredrika Gullfot和Tony Fagerberg想出的点子并与2010年在瑞典创立的公司。他们认清形势,抢抓机遇,坚信微藻类的培养,有利于可再生能源研发和食品生产方式的优化。他们希望搭建最尖端的设施来培育和生产微藻类,并将Simris Alg公司发展成为瑞典微藻类科技研发领域的领头羊。 目前Simris Alg公司主要专注于为人类和动物研发食品和饲料的添加剂。马、狗和猫也需要欧米伽-3脂肪。而这些业务所获得的利益可以为生物燃料的研发提供资金。Simris Alg被授予斯科讷地区备忘录2012环保奖,主办方这样称赞道:Simris Alg致力于化石燃料替代品的关键技术研发,是瑞典环境工程事业中拥有举足轻重地位的企业。是瑞典环境工程事业发展中至关重要的企业。via Simris Alg的新标志删除了“Alg”和标志下方的Slogan小字。同时设计公司为设计了多款不同造型的辅助图案用于产品的外包装。新的标识和包装设计由总部位于斯德哥尔摩的Snask完成。


Reviewed May 6, 2015 by ArminComments (36)
filed under consumer products and tagged with pattern, script, snask
Established in 2010, [color=rgb(128, 128, 128) !important]Simris Alg is an agribusiness — a good description of which is “agriculture conducted on commercial principles, especially using advanced technology” — growing and harvesting algae in Sweden. One of Simris innovations is the ability to extract the popularly healthy Omega-3 fatty acids from algae, usually found in fish oil, and this year, Simris is launching its first line of consumer products that include a range of Omega-3 supplement pills and other “super foods” like spirulina, chlorella, and other algae-based powders. The new identity and packaging have been designed by Stockholm-based [color=rgb(128, 128, 128) !important]Snask.
Logo detail (top) and secondary logos.
The previous logo was not too bad; someone had a good concept of making a serious-looking wordmark while adding an algae-like flourish to the “g”. The new logo is a fun piece of lettering… for a $- or $$-priced seafood restaurant. It feels out of place as the logo for a technology-driven company doing innovative soylent-green kind of stuff. I would have loved to see a similar script approach but much less informal and it’s not like the logo has to look like if it were for a clinical laboratory in Elysium but something that at least places you in that frame of mind would be a better starting point. To its credit it definitely establishes that this has something to do with the sea.
Brand pattern.Logo in wood on top of pattern.Tape.
The secondary elements are fun and have some attractive applications for sure.
Full consumer line-up.
The packaging, however, is excellent. There are two bulks of products, each with its own distinct feel.
Omega-3s packaging.Omega-3s packaging, detail.
First, there are the Omega-3 products, in deep, dark-hued bottles that avoid the typical brown hue. The big logo and secondary sun graphic pair well here and the overall tightness of the layout makes it feel like whatever is inside will be a burst of algae-ness.
Packaging patterns.Powdered products.
Then there is this other range of powdered products that have almost the opposite feel of the bottles: plenty of white space (on a white background) and light and airy typography and graphics. The logo — small! — looks most convincing here in a supporting role. The smooth bags serve as a nice backdrop for the lovely patterns and bright, colorful palette.

Powdered products, detail.
Overall, the consumer packaging hits the right notes with the clean typography and illustrations balancing the over-friendliness of the logo and hinting at a unique product. At the corporate level, it’s off target even for an industry (algae) that has still to define a target of what that looks like. (You can peruse [color=rgb(128, 128, 128) !important]Algae Industry Magazine and [color=rgb(128, 128, 128) !important]Algae World News for some direction.) If you need me, though, I’ll be scrolling up and down the wave pattern to imagine that I’m sitting by the beach.

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