T 恤设计的具体要求如下:
1. 3 月 20 日14:00截止收稿
2. T 恤的袖口、下摆或领后应该有骄傲节的官方logo,ShPRIDE 或 ShanghaiPRIDE 字样,骄傲节官方logo请参考http://www.shpride.com
3. T 恤上应有彩虹旗的 6 种颜色
4. T 恤上可以有今年骄傲节的候选中英文口号:“生为平常 I Am Me"
5. T恤以白底为模板
We're now accepting design submissions for the ShanghaiPRIDE 2016 t-shirt. The winner will have their design printed on the Pride8 official shirt and will receive a VIP card for free access to Pride events.
Details on the submissions:
1. Submission deadline is 2pm Mar 20th.
2. T-shirt designs must have small Pride logo, ShPRIDE, or ShanghaiPRIDE on sleeve, at bottom, or at back of collar. For Pride logo, please refer to http://www.shpride.com
3. T-shirt designs must include the 6 colors of the rainbow flag.
4. The potential slogan "生为平常 I Am Me" can be included.
5. The background color of the T-shirt should be white